Hmmm answer these questions first...
You need not read through the article if you know the answers to the above...But if you don't...lemme help you get them...
Famous quotes from parents...
"My son is going to be a DOCTOR"...
"My son is going to be a ENGINEER"...
You people would have never heard such statements from them...because they say such statements when you are just on your mom's tummy(ha ha as soon as you are born).I guess its hard to understand then...so you will never hear them...
It is not what that they want us to be...but it is what you want yourself to be...
hmmm i know this is a regular statement...now lemme advance...now how do you identify what you wanna be???
The Answer:
it may take a second,minute,hour,day(s),month(s),year(s) or even a lifetime to identify the answer...but you will surely find it before you die...!!!
There will be a a minute when you experience the extreme amounts of the word called SATISFACTION.You will not be able to distinguish your heart and mind then.
lemme quote an example...i experienced this word at the age of 18 on July25th...it was a reult of giving a poor old lady a small amount of food mixed with love...and the looks that i got in return were un explainable...aaaah that is the satisfaction point....and then that i realized the objective of my life...
come on people...do not deceive yourselves by moving in the tide that some one else is pouring over you...i bet you will never get satisfied.Identify tat satisfaction point and follow your world...
that one minute before you die would be so happy...sooooo happy that you will never experience such happiness ever....
So come on guys and gals...experience and identify yourself in the world of wings...